Love that you can sit with this young lady and have a conversation like you have been friends forever. Level headed, witty & driven only begin to describe this beautiful girl. I was so excited when Ryleah said she wanted to go ro Wolfpack Gym for one of her locations. We found amazing lighting in the gym and did a happy dance in celebration of her kick-booty location. Ryleah is a member of our 2020 Senior Team.
#pbj #photographybyjes#photographybyjes #pbjseniors#pbjseniors #senioryear#senioryear #seniorposing#seniorposing #senior2020#senior2020 #poncacity#poncacity #poncacityphotographer#poncacityphotographer
Thank you Ryleah! #team2020 #pbjseniorselfie #seniorteam2020